Cheap international
Calling Rates

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Calling to?


After 6 months


Great Benefits

  • Get up to $10 free bonus minutes and our 30 day money-back guarantee when you sign up today.
  • For $10, you will get - of talk time to ?.
  • You save up to $- in one year compared to other competitors. Show my Savings.

All rates are in US Dollars. There is a 1¢ add-on fee when calling with toll-free access numbers (US & Canada only). Find access numbers

Note: TEL3 will do its best effort to keep the rates the same during the Introductory period. However, when there is a change in market conditions, TEL3 has the right to adjust the rates at anytime.

More Great Benefits

No Monthly Fee

No monthly or connection fees. Period.

No expiration until 1 year

No expiration until after 1 year of inactivity

Service from US and Canada

Works from the US and Canada - same rates apply

No Contracts

No contracts

One minute rounding

One minute rounding

Same rates apply for Mobile and Landline

Same rates apply when calling FROM cell phone or landline

Are there any additional charges when calling from the US?

Calls made from these states or U.S. territories have additional per minute access charges:

From Origination Charge
Alaska 16.5¢
British Virgin Islands
US Virgin Islands
Puerto Rico
Mariana Islands 9.35¢

Additional charges apply only from toll-free origination.

Under certain conditions, based on how you use the service, these charges could also occur:

69¢ per call (if payphone)

Domestic airtime fee by Wireless Service Provider

Domestic airtime fee by your wireless service provider unless calls are made during any free nights and/or weekends that your service provider may offer.

Which plan is better for me?

TEL3 offers two plans. There is no difference in ANY PLAN in terms of features or the quality of the service - only the rates and the monthly fee change.


When you first sign up, you will get billed with the Intro Offer rates for the first 6 months no matter what.

Premium Plan

  • Lowest Rates
  • $1.95 Monthly Fee

Standard Plan

  • Low Rates
  • No Monthly Fee

After 6 months:

Your plan will be changed to the Standard Plan automatically (no monthly fee). However if you make calls frequently, we recommend you to change your Plan to the Premium Plan later so you can save more. You can change your Plan anytime either online or via phone.

Best Plan Guarantee

Depending on your usage minutes, our Savings Simulator will show you the Best TEL3 Plan (Premium or Standard Plan) that you can save the most with after 6 months.